How to setup Linux Server Backups with Bareos
Routine offsite backup of data is very important for mission critical servers. This article will show you how to setup Bareos for linux server backups.
What you’ll need:
- A primary Linux server: This article will describe the steps for CentOS based servers, but Bacula can automate linux server backups on Debian, SuSe, and Redhat based distributions.
- A secondary Linux server: This server will store the server backup data.
Installing Bareos
We will start by switching into our root user:
sudo su
Install wget:
yum install -y wget
Download the Bareos repository:
URL=$DIST wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/bareos.repo $URL/bareos.repo
Install the Bareos packages
yum install bareos bareos-database-$DATABASE yum install postgresql-server postgresql-contrib
Initialize Postgres:
postgresql-setup initdb
Start Postgres and enable it on boot:
systemctl start postgresql systemctl enable postgresql
Setup the Bareos database:
su postgres -c /usr/lib/bareos/scripts/create_bareos_database su postgres -c /usr/lib/bareos/scripts/make_bareos_tables su postgres -c /usr/lib/bareos/scripts/grant_bareos_privileges
Start the Bareos daemons:
service bareos-dir start service bareos-sd start service bareos-fd start
Install the webUI:
yum install bareos-webui
Configure SELinux to allow connections:
setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect on
Restart apache and the Bareos director:
systemctl restart httpd systemctl restart bareos-dir
Start the Bareos console:
Add an admin username, replace the word secret with a secure password:
configure add console name=admin password=secret profile=webui-admin
You can now navigate to http://your-server-ip//bareos-webui/ and login with your admin credentials.
Next Steps
Your server is now setup with Bareos for server backup and restoration. You can now review the Bareos documentation in order to setup automated server backup operations.
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